Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm On to Something!

I'm never exactly sure why I'm up at 3:30 in the morning, though there's a full moon over Boston right now. Anyone ever stop to appreciate the moments where they feel considerably more accomplished? You know, like telling yourself, "Take note! You are now a better person!" While having huge dreams, it can make all the difference to acknowledge these little moments. It's what's making me feel like I have any forward motion at all.

The pictures/video of the roadtrip have been a long time coming - patience, all good things in time. (That's funny because I'm incredibly impatient). After 3 days on the road, it was hard to accept that we'd arrived at a final destination. Well, not final, that's death, but you know. A big part of me wanted to turn right around and head to Chicago. From there...Vegas? LA? I don't want to wait anymore to go on a tour.

This would be the semester that all of my friends on the Eastern Seaboard decide to study abroad, though, the one time I'm passing through. The family/friends we did get to see (and meet) were what really made the trip fun. That and peeing in bushes on the side of the interstate. If you ever have a chance to drive on I-20 straight across Louisiana, don't do it. Or Virginia. Just skip Virginia altogether, and if you can't, drive 5 miles under the speed limit. I'm warning you now, learn from my mistakes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

On the Outset

This isn't the beginning, but it's as good a place as any to start documentation.

Tomorrow, I begin an expedition to Boston. I have no idea how long it'll take, or what route I'll take. All I know is I want it to be exciting. Not that it hasn't been up to this point, but after wrist surgery and a recovery time that seemed interminable all I can picture is the Levi's "Go Forth" commercials. You know, running half naked setting things on fire.

So this is where the record begins, where in 20 years when I'm on tour somewhere wondering how in the world I got there I can look to this very post and read onwards. And hopefully it's exciting for you, too.